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What I Do

Hi, and welcome to my page! My name is Toni Mullins, and I am a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach, trained by one of the nation’s foremost experts in personal finance, Dave Ramsey. I am passionate about helping others to achieve financial freedom by eliminating debt and creating an intentional spending plan to accomplish their short- and long-term goals. I believe that taking control of your personal finances has so many positive outcomes, including creating self-discipline, strengthening your marriage, reducing several of life’s stressors, and giving you options in your work/life situation.

How I Can Help You

My goal is to help people establish healthy financial habits and behaviors to create long-term financial independence. It is easy to get caught up in keeping up with the Joneses or to think that “normal” is living paycheck-to-paycheck or always having payments and debt, because that’s what our society teaches us to believe. I want to help people address the root of the problem that they likely don’t even realize they have: their financial habits. I will work with you one-on-one to create a lifestyle change that is sustainable and eliminates stress related to money and finances. I also aim to help people to come up with debt-free options to paying for large expenses like weddings and college.

I am trained to help people eliminate debt, save for future expenses (including big events), create a written, personalized monthly budget, and plan for long-term goals, such as kids’ college and retirement.










What Results Can You Expect?

Most of my clients are deep into consumer debt, between student loans, credit cards, personal loans, car loans, cell phone payments (yes, cell phone payments are debt, too!), and a variety of other types of debt. I help them create a personalized action plan to prioritize their spending and tackle their debt, while saving for a starter emergency fund and "cash flowing" (paying with cash vs. debt) some necessary expenses. 

Below are the average results that my clients see when working with me as their coach (numbers updated as of 8/7/2021):


Within 1 Month of Coaching:

Average Debt Payoff: $755
Average Money Saved: $365
Average Total Progress Made: $1,119



After 6-Week Group Coaching Program:

Average Debt Payoff: $1,397
Average Money Saved: $621
Average Extra Income: $481
Average Total Progress Made: $2,500

Within 6 Months of Coaching:

Average Debt Payoff: $8,506
Average Money Saved: $1,915
Average Total Progress Made: $10,421


Within 12 Months of Coaching:
Average Debt Payoff: $22,711
Average Money Saved: $7,930

Average Total Progress Made: $30,641

Your Return On Investment 

The top questions I get from people about financial coaching are "Why would I pay someone to help me get out of debt?" and "How much will it cost me?" Those are such important questions, because we are talking about your finances here! Because I care so much about spending your money wisely, it is extremely important to me that you get a great return on your investment when you invest in yourself with financial coaching. I am proud to say that my average client sees their return on investment within 1-2 sessions, depending upon if they are a 6-month or a 12-month client. In other words, the financial progress that my average client makes within 1-2 sessions covers their investment in financial coaching! That said, your progress will ultimately depend on how willing you are to put in the hard work to implement the plan to yield the results.  



For our first anniversary in May of 2019, my husband and I traveled to Nashville, TN to the Ramsey Solutions Headquarters. We got to meet Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan (the "everyday millionaires" guy), and do our "Debt-Free Scream" on a live airing of The Dave Ramsey Show!


Click Here to Watch our Debt-Free Scream on Youtube

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If you have had a great experience working with me, I'd love to hear about it! Please leave me a google review here!


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